Introduction to Imbolc

Imbolc, which is celebrated on February 1st in the Northern Hemisphere (and August 1st in the Southern Hemisphere), is the cross-quarter holiday between the winter solstice and the spring equinox in the Wheel of the Year. It celebrates the first indications that spring is coming—the quickening of the earth. Associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid and her traditions, it highlights spring’s renewal and purification after the long, dark winter. Imbolc is all about the rekindling of the light, both literally and metaphorically.

Imbolc celebrates the joy of renewal and new beginnings and the letting go of past pieces that no longer serve us. We clean and organize our spaces during this season by decluttering the things from the past year we no longer need to make room for new energies. We clean up our inner landscapes and let go of old grudges, questionable beliefs, and unnecessary doubts that get lower our spirits. Not only do we clean our homes, but we also clean our heads and hearts.

At Imbolc, we don’t just start over; we also set our goals again so that they are clear and focused. After all, this is winter! Maybe you are spending time indoors to get away from the cold. It’s the perfect time to reflect, journal, meditate, and plan. Plan what you will plant in the spring, tend in the summer, and harvest in the fall (literally or metaphorically). Journal about it and set your intentions.

Imbolc is a turning point, a reminder that we always have the chance for a restart and renewal. It’s an opportunity to give our routines new life, to make new plans, and to find new inspiration. Let’s light candles to celebrate the return of the light, celebrating the return of the sun and the spark of fire and creativity in our lives.

Where to start or learn more? Here’s more on Imbolc:


30 Fall Journal prompts


Journal Prompts for Imbolc