design your intentional life.
It’s all about balance. Whether you’re mindfully experiencing the seasons, caring for your home, organizing your finances in a thoughtful way, planning your next goal, cultivating a gratitude practice, or taking a moment to examine your life via journaling, we are here to help. You can balance your progress with ease, intention, and joy.
Beltane Meditation
Look around at the lush greenery, the vibrant colors of flowers in full bloom, and the rich, dark soil that is soft and ready for new life. The energy of Beltane is all around you, full of life, love, and possibility. This is a time when the earth, filled with the energy of creation, is awakening and inviting you to plant new intentions, ideas, and dreams.
Journal Prompts for Beltane
The Maypole dance represents unity and rhythm. What would your life look like if you embraced more flow and rhythm in your day-to-day existence?
How do you nurture the things you want to grow in your life? What care and attention do they need from you?
As we transition into the warmth of summer, what is one thing you want to let go of in order to embrace new energy?
What qualities of the earth and sky do you want to bring more of into your life this Beltane? How can you embody them more fully?
Yule Meditation
Imagine yourself in a cozy, warm room on a cold winter night. A crackling fire burns brightly in the hearth, casting a golden glow and filling the space with warmth and light. In front of you lies a beautifully decorated Yule log, carefully chosen and prepared for this special moment. This log, made from sturdy oak, symbolizes strength, longevity, and the return of light.
Journal Prompts for Ostara
Describe your ideal garden. Even if you don’t have the time or space now—or even if this fantasy involves hiring a gardener! What would you plant in your garden?
What qualities of the rabbit—such as vivacity and energy—do you see in yourself? How can you embrace these traits more fully this spring?
What are your favorite symbols of spring (flowers, animals, etc.), the ones you look forward to the most? What do they mean to you?
Journal Prompts for Yule
How do you incorporate nature and its magic into your Yule celebrations?
Reflect on the significance of the winter solstice. What does this turning point of the wheel of the year mean to you?
Write about the importance of stillness and introspection during this festive season.
Yule Associations
No Yule celebration is complete without the aromatic allure of spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. These spices are staples in Yule cooking, imbuing foods with flavors that not only delight the palate but also warm the body.
the Oak King and the Holly King
The Oak King and the Holly King are strong representations of the two types of male energy in nature. Mythologically, these two figures fight twice a year to mark the changing of the seasons. This fight represents the natural world's endless cycle of growth and retreat.
Introduction to Imbolc
Imbolc is a turning point, a reminder that we always have the chance for a restart and renewal. It’s an opportunity to give our routines new life, to make new plans, and to find new inspiration. Let’s light candles to celebrate the return of the light, celebrating the return of the sun and the spark of fire and creativity in our lives.
Journal Prompts for Imbolc
Set a goal for your physical space, whether it’s a small new habit or a large project. What is it, and how will you achieve it?
What goals do you have for the next year? How do your goals demonstrate your values?
What are you planting this year, in terms of your personal development? What are your plans for growth?
How are you transforming during this season of transformation?
Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid
Brigid is a powerful symbol of feminine creativity and empowerment. Invoked to inspire creativity and craftsmanship, she is the patroness of the arts, especially poetry and smith work. She promotes creativity and artistic expression. The peaceful times spent at your craft, when concentration and meditation meld, are when her effect is most noticeable.
How to Celebrate Imbolc
In some ways, Imbolc is the ultimate introvert’s holiday. We’re inside our home with a cup of tea, away from the cold. It’s time to reflect on the past year and on our lives in general. We’re deciding on what to leave behind because it no longer serves us. We’re practicing divination, setting intentions and goals, and planning what we will plant, literally and metaphorically, in the coming spring. This is the journaling holiday! Let’s get started.
Imbolc Associations
Through the use of the many elements connected to this season—water, candles, herbs, and crystals—Imbolc celebrants embrace the cycle of rebirth and renewal and harmonize with the rhythms of the natural world.
Imbolc Meditation
Imbolc invites us to embrace the spirit of renewal and purification, both externally and internally. Imagine yourself standing at the threshold between the old and the new, ready to release what no longer serves you and welcome in fresh energy and vitality.