design your intentional life.
It’s all about balance. Whether you’re mindfully experiencing the seasons, caring for your home, organizing your finances in a thoughtful way, planning your next goal, cultivating a gratitude practice, or taking a moment to examine your life via journaling, we are here to help. You can balance your progress with ease, intention, and joy.
35 Pisces Journal Prompts
How do you value security in your life? How do you balance security and risk? This can be a struggle for Pisces.
What do you find funny? How would you describe your sense of humor?
Pisces is known for creativity! Write about a creative project of yours that you are particularly proud of.
Why do you do what you do, be it a job or a passion project?
35 Aries Journal Prompts
What are you passionate about? Why?
Aries can be ambitious. Write about a time that you were ambitious about something. Did you get what you set out for? What did you learn?
What is your strategy for working on a team? How do you balance teamwork with your natural Aries competitive side?
35 Taurus Journal Prompts
Taurus is ruled by the throat, linked to communication. How do you express your authentic voice and communicate your needs effectively in various aspects of your life?
Reflect on a situation where your Taurus love for comfort influenced a decision, and how did it turn out?
How do your daily habits and rituals contribute to your overall well-being and sense of stability?
35 Virgo Journal Prompts
How do you manage self-criticism and strive for self-improvement without being too harsh on yourself? This can be a sore spot for Virgos.
How do you manage anxiety and prevent it from hindering your ability to enjoy the present moment?
Virgos may be reserved initially, but they value deep connections. How do you cultivate intimacy in your relationships, and what qualities do you seek in a romantic partner?
35 Aquarius Journal Prompts
How do you actively engage with your emotions, a strong Aquarius trait, recognizing their significance and allowing yourself to fully experience them rather than detaching?
How do you incorporate practices of mindfulness and self-awareness into your daily routine, promoting a more authentic expression of your feelings?
In what ways do you infuse your natural Aquarius creativity and originality into your everyday activities, hobbies, or professional pursuits?
35 Libra Journal Prompts
Libras are known for their relationships. Who in your life are you most grateful for? Describe your relationship with them.
What are you doing for exercise these days? Why do you enjoy it?
Describe a time you made a change for the better.
Libras can sometimes struggle with getting bored. How do you cure boredom?
35 Leo Journal Prompts
Leos can be competitive! Describe your competitive side.
As a Leo, you have a natural spotlight. Who or what would you like to share it with this year? Or, what would you like to spotlight to others this year? How could you do that?
35 Cancer Sign Journal Prompts
The crab, Cancer’s symbol, travels between the world of the sea and the world of the land. What realms do you travel between?
How do you make friends with people?
Water signs like Cancer are known for being very empathetic. Describe a time that your ability to pick up on other people’s feelings made a difference.
35 Gemini Journal Prompts
Geminis often absorb emotional energy from others. What is your strategy for setting boundaries with others?
Geminis can often be restless. What are your most effective strategies for dealing with restlessness when it comes up?
How do you lighten someone’s mood?
35 Capricorn Journal Prompts
Your loved ones know they can count on you. Who do you count on?
Capricorns are known for their style! Describe your personal style.
When is it worth it to break the rules?
35 Sagittarius Journal Prompts
When you have to adapt to a highly structured situation, what are your best strategies for handling it?
Sagittarius is known for being adventurous! What is the best adventure you’ve been on so far?
What is your most satisfying creative outlet? Why?
35 Scorpio Journal Prompts
How does someone earn your trust? Not so easy with a Scorpio! If you had to earn someone else’s trust, how would you do it?
When are you most comfortable opening yourself up to others?
One of Scorpio’s themes is rebirth. (In addition to the scorpion, it is also represented by the phoenix!) How is the theme of rebirth showing up in your life at the moment?