Imbolc Associations

Imbolc is associated with symbols and practices that embody its core themes of light, purification, and renewal—and with the goddess Brigid. This is the time of year when we are releasing what no longer serves us, cleaning and organizing, reflecting and meditating on the past, dreaming of the future, practicing divination, and setting intentions and goals. Here are a few options to get you started!

Imbolc Crystals

  • Amethyst: spiritual awakening and intuition; an excellent pairing for meditation and divination rituals

  • Garnet: vibrant energy and regeneration, revival, and resilience

  • Peridot: releasing what no longer serves

  • Onyx: healing and decision-making; an excellent stone to have on hand for goal-setting

  • Moonstone: new beginnings

  • Sunstone: the return of the sun, empowerment

Imbolc Herbs

  • Rosemary: purification, growth, and renewal

  • Bay laurel: protection, enhance psychic awareness, and cleansing. It is believed that bay laurel leaves, when burned, release powerful cleansing properties that can purify the aura and enhance spiritual communication.

  • Citrus: Lemon, orange, or grapefruit slices are reminiscent of the returning sun

  • Very early spring flowers: Reminiscent of the impending spring, these vary depending on where you are! Near us, they include snowdrops, violets, and crocuses.

  • Angelica: protection, courage, intentions

  • Basil: protection, building a business, making a plan

Imbolc Elements

  • Fire: Lighting candles symbolizes the return of light as the days begin to grow longer after the winter solstice. Candles are lit in every room of the home, encouraging the light to grow stronger. This act is both a literal and metaphorical bringing of light into one’s life, illuminating the home and spirit through the simple, yet powerful act of flame-kindling.

  • Water: A symbol of fluidity and intuition, water plays a crucial role in the observance of Imbolc. It’s a good time for any form of divination, but especially scrying—a form of divination where one gazes into water to receive prophetic visions or insights.

Through the use of the many elements connected to this season—water, candles, herbs, and crystals—Imbolc celebrants embrace the cycle of rebirth and renewal and harmonize with the rhythms of the natural world. These rituals facilitate a deeper connection with the spiritual forces at work and promote a feeling of renewal and eagerness for the upcoming spring.

Want to explore more about Imbolc? Here are some places to start:


How to Celebrate Imbolc


Imbolc Meditation