Imbolc Meditation

Imbolc is the cross-quarter holiday between winter solstice and the spring equinox. The days are getting longer, the Earth is beginning to thaw, and our thoughts are turning toward spring. It’s the perfect time of year to cozy up inside with a cup of tea and your journal and planner—the planning holiday! Think about what you’ll be planting, literally and metaphorically, in the spring. And reflect on your life and how you want to move forward.

That means it’s also a wonderful time of year for reflection and meditation. There are four Imbolc meditations featured in our new book, The Imbolc Companion. This excerpt is one of them!

Guided Meditation for Imbolc

As we embark on this journey, take some time to embrace the energy of renewal and purification that permeates this sacred time of year. Imbolc marks the transition from winter’s slumber to the awakening of spring, inviting us to release the old and welcome in the new with open hearts and minds.

 To begin this session, please close your eyes as you find a comfortable position, whether seated or lying down. Take a deep breath in, filling your lungs with the crisp, fresh air of early spring. As you exhale, release any tension you may be holding onto, allowing your body to sink deeper into relaxation.

 Picture the landscape around you, still adorned with remnants of snow yet tinged with the promise of new growth. Feel the earth beneath you stirring from its slumber, ready to burst forth with life once more.

 Imbolc invites us to embrace the spirit of renewal and purification, both externally and internally. Imagine yourself standing at the threshold between the old and the new, ready to release what no longer serves you and welcome in fresh energy and vitality.

 Take a moment to reflect on the clutter that may have accumulated in your physical space and your mind. Just as we cleanse our homes during Imbolc, let us also cleanse our inner selves, releasing any negativity, doubt, or fear. Visualize these emotions and thoughts dissipating like wisps of smoke as you exhale, leaving behind a sense of clarity and lightness.

 Now, turn your attention to your goals and aspirations. Imbolc encourages us to realign our intentions with our truest desires, setting clear and focused intentions for the season ahead. Envision yourself planting the seeds of your dreams in the fertile soil of possibility, nurturing them with intention and determination.

 As you continue to breathe deeply, feel the warmth of the sun’s rays gently caressing your skin. Just as candles are lit to symbolize the return of light during Imbolc, allow this inner flame to ignite within you, illuminating your path with inspiration and creativity.

 With each inhale, draw in the energy of renewal and transformation. With each exhale, release any remaining resistance or doubt. Embrace the promise of new beginnings and the opportunity to blossom alongside the changing seasons.

 Focus on expressing gratitude for the gifts of Imbolc—the chance to start anew, the power of purification, and the ever-present cycle of growth and renewal. May the energy of Imbolc continue to guide and inspire you on your journey. Carry with you the light of renewal, the warmth of transformation, and the promise of new beginnings.

 As you return to the world around you, remember that you hold the power to create the life you desire. With each step forward, may you walk in alignment with your truest intentions, blooming with the vitality of spring. Slowly open your eyes and smile.

Blessed be, and may you be filled with peace, joy, and abundance as you move forward on your path. Until we meet again, may the spirit of Imbolc illuminate your way.

Want to explore more about Imbolc? Here are some places to start:


Imbolc Associations


Tarot Meditations