25 Money Mindset Journal Prompts
As you make a plan to implement your personal finance goals, take a little time to journal about where you are now, where you’re coming from, and where you want to go. Make yourself a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and think about these money mindset journal prompts.
Journal Prompts About Money
1. What did you learn about money, good or bad, as you grew up? That is, what was the outlook on money that you were taught?
2. How did you discover that your earliest financial beliefs were right or wrong?
3. Looking back, what do you wish you had learned about money as a child?
4. What is the most valuable piece of financial advice that you have ever received?
5. What was your first paying job?
6. What is your outlook on money now? How has it changed over the years?
7. What is the best financial decision you've made? What did you learn from it?
8. Think of a personal finance mistake you’ve made. What did you learn from it?
9. Think of a personal finance mistake or two that you’ve seen other people make. (Don’t be judgmental here; everyone makes mistakes!) What could you learn from their mistakes?
10. How do you use your money to make your life better?
11. How do you use your money to make your community better?
12. What are three financial wins (large or small) you’ve had recently?
13. Looking back on your financial journey over the past 3 to 5 years, what are you proud of?
14. What advice would you give someone starting out about money?
15. What aspect of personal finance would you like to learn more about? Why? Where and how could you learn about it?
16. Set yourself one finance-related affirmation for the next month. Maybe it’s I can achieve my goals or I deserve abundance, for example. Why did you choose this particular phrase for this particular month? How will you revisit it as the month goes on?
17. What is one small goal you can achieve in relation to your finances or career in the next week? It could be anything from shopping for a lower car insurance rate to updating your resume to checking out a personal finance book at the library. How will it benefit you? Make a plan to accomplish it.
18. What is a medium-term goal—say the next three or six months—you could accomplish? How will you accomplish it?
19. What financial goal could you accomplish in the next year? Write about how you could achieve it.
20. Imagine this: It’s five years from now, and you’re sitting down to check in on your finances. Where are you? What are you drinking? What are you wearing? You open your budget and take a look. What has changed since now? What are you proud of? What are you looking forward to?
21. Write about the last financial goal you achieved.
22. What are your three biggest challenges right now, in terms of finance? Write about them.
23. What are some of your strengths that you can use to overcome your challenges and achieve your goals?
24. Do you have an idea about money (that it’s hard for you, or that you need to make as much of it as the rest of your family, e.g.) that you would benefit from saying goodbye to? Where did you get this idea? How is it holding you back? What would you like to replace it with?
25. Who is your personal finance role model? Why?
You don’t have to answer these all at once! Spread out your money mindset journal prompts over time, and feel free to revisit them as you grow and change. Have a wonderful journey!
P.S. Looking for more journal prompts for adults?