design your intentional life.
It’s all about balance. Whether you’re mindfully experiencing the seasons, caring for your home, organizing your finances in a thoughtful way, planning your next goal, cultivating a gratitude practice, or taking a moment to examine your life via journaling, we are here to help. You can balance your progress with ease, intention, and joy.

Set Birthday Goals
Picture yourself a year from now. What is your future self happy about? What is your future self proud of?

30 Summer Journal Prompts
Describe a time you made an exciting discovery. What did you find, and how did it feel?
How are you planning for the future, putting some of your harvest aside?
What goals do you have for this summer? How will you accomplish them before the leaves turn?

You deserve security and wealth. And even when the process is slow, you’re making it happen. You should be proud. So, here are some reminders to use as prizes, phone backgrounds, cards to stick on your mirror, or whatever else you need them for.