design your intentional life.
It’s all about balance. Whether you’re mindfully experiencing the seasons, caring for your home, organizing your finances in a thoughtful way, planning your next goal, cultivating a gratitude practice, or taking a moment to examine your life via journaling, we are here to help. You can balance your progress with ease, intention, and joy.

The Yule Companion
This companion features meditations, journal prompts, coloring pages, spells, and information on Yule to help you begin your holiday reflections. Its pages are for you to write, color, and make notes on. May it bring you insight, inspiration, and joy.

Journal Prompts for Yule
How do you incorporate nature and its magic into your Yule celebrations?
Reflect on the significance of the winter solstice. What does this turning point of the wheel of the year mean to you?
Write about the importance of stillness and introspection during this festive season.

Yule Associations
No Yule celebration is complete without the aromatic allure of spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. These spices are staples in Yule cooking, imbuing foods with flavors that not only delight the palate but also warm the body.

the Oak King and the Holly King
The Oak King and the Holly King are strong representations of the two types of male energy in nature. Mythologically, these two figures fight twice a year to mark the changing of the seasons. This fight represents the natural world's endless cycle of growth and retreat.