Tarot Meditations

Draw a Card, Connect with Your Tarot Deck

Tarot Meditations: Now Available Where Books Are Sold

Let your tarot cards help guide your spiritual journey by using the meditations in this book!

Simply shuffle and randomly select a card. Then turn to the corresponding guided meditation. Meditate to set intentions, reflect, find self-awareness, and discover your path and yourself. Understanding each card's meaning is crucial; analyze the symbolism, artwork, and emotions evoked by the card to develop a personal connection through intuition and meditation.

Get your copy at Barnes & Noble, your favorite independent bookstore, Amazon, or in ebook! (It is currently available through Kindle Unlimited. Shout-out to our KU readers!)

And check it out on Goodreads for reviews and ratings.

Whether you are learning tarot or experienced with divination, this book can help you form a deeper connection with your cards. As you meditate on a card, you will gain deeper insight that you can use in future divination.

Note: This book is not based on any particular deck. You can use your favorite tarot deck—or decks!

Praise for the Meditations

Tarot Meditations offers a unique and enriching approach to understanding and connecting with the tarot. Rather than focusing solely on traditional interpretations and fortune-telling, this book takes readers on a journey through meditative practices that deepen their relationship with the cards. This method encourages readers to move beyond rote memorization of card meanings and instead cultivate a more intuitive and experiential approach to the tarot.” Read the full review at Musing Mystical.

Excerpt from the Book

Each of the tarot cards features a brief description that sets the stage for a full guided meditation. Visualizing and connecting with the card's image is crucial for tapping into its deeper meanings and insights.

For example, this excerpt is about the very first card in the Major Arcana, The Fool. By meditating on The Fool, you can connect with the card's energy and gain a better understanding of its essence and significance.

Enjoy this excerpt!

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to become overwhelmed by the weight of our responsibilities and obligations. Yet, within the chaos, there exists a sanctuary—a space where we can pause, breathe, and reconnect with ourselves. Today, we embark on a journey guided by the wisdom of the Tarot, a tool that speaks to the depths of our subconscious and illuminates the path to self-discovery. Each card serves as a mirror, reflecting back to us the truths we may overlook in the noise of everyday life.

 The meditations in this book are divided into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana, which is divided into Cups, Wands, Swords, and Staffs. To choose a meditation, carefully shuffle your deck and draw a card.

To begin a session, find a comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Lay down or sit with your back straight, and close your eyes. Take a deep breath in through your nose, allowing your lungs to fill with air. Exhale slowly through your nose, releasing any tension. As you continue to breathe deeply, focus on each breath, letting go of any stress or worries with each exhale.

Feel the sensation of relaxation spreading through your body, starting from the top of your head and moving down to your toes. Allow your muscles to soften, and let go of any tension in your neck, shoulders, and back.

To close a session, take a few deep breaths and slowly become aware of your surroundings. When you're ready, open your eyes, carrying the energy from your visualization into the rest of your day.

 Let’s get started!

0. The Fool

About The Fool (Tarot Card Meanings)

The Fool signifies the very beginning of the tarot journey, embodying innocence, potential, and the willingness to step into the unknown. Marked as 0, The Fool represents a clean slate, the pure essence of adventure and exploration without the constraints of past experiences. This card invites you to embrace new beginnings with an open heart and to take leaps of faith with the trust that the universe will support you.

●     Color: Yellow (optimism, joy)

●     Crystal: Clear Quartz (clarity, energy)

●     Astrology Symbol: Uranus (innovation, rebellion)

Tarot Meditation

Imagine yourself standing before a vast forest. Hidden between the tall evergreens and ferns, you notice a path. A warm, yellow light glows gently from the ground, illuminating this intriguing and mysterious way forward.

Bring your attention to The Fool and embody his deep sense of curiosity and adventure. The Fool represents new beginnings, innocence, potential, and most importantly, the courage to embark on an exciting journey into the unknown.

Feel a sense of excitement sweep over you, as you approach the path with an open heart and open mind. This is an opportunity for you to welcome new beginnings and take leaps of faith, knowing that the universe will conspire for you in everything you do.

With every step you take, you move closer to a journey of transformational self-discovery and personal exploration. Feel yourself becoming lighter as you shed the weight of expectations and conventional routines.  Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment and surrender to the guidance of The Fool, leading you with wisdom and confidence. The path ahead is filled with infinite possibilities, and you have the courage to welcome them all.

Take a few moments to reflect on your current circumstances. Are you living in alignment with the dreams and desires that live in your heart, or are you longing for change? Are you pursuing your passions and making time for the things that energize you? What fears or imaginary limitations are creating roadblocks and preventing you from living to your fullest potential?

With The Fool as your trusty guide, you will begin to see the world through new eyes—eyes filled with wonder, curiosity, and a newfound sense of adventure. Everything around you shines with possibility, inviting you to explore, learn, discover, and grow.

Now repeat the following affirmations and announce to the universe:

  • I embrace new beginnings with open arms, knowing they bring opportunities for growth and fulfillment into my life.

  • I welcome new opportunities into my life with excitement and optimism, knowing that they will lead me to greater success and happiness.

  • I trust in my ability to adapt and thrive in new situations, confident that every challenge is an opportunity for me to learn and grow.

Take a moment to express gratitude for The Fool’s guidance and wisdom, trusting that it will bring clarity and adventure as you step into sensational, new beginnings.

How to Use This Book

With the advent of the internet age, accessibility to tarot has increased. Anyone with an interest and an internet connection may now investigate the age-old technique of tarot reading, thanks to the proliferation of applications and online platforms. People may now use their tarot deck for guidance and reflection whenever it’s most convenient for them thanks to the rise of digital readings, which has expanded the practice’s reach and woven it into people’s everyday self-care routines.

The intriguing growth of tarot from its origins in Renaissance Europe to its prevalence in modern media is a testament to the practice’s enduring appeal and its ability to comfort those in search of meaning and community.

Whether accessed through digital interfaces or conventional decks, tarot continues to serve as a medium that connects the tangible with the ethereal, providing a thoughtful perspective from which to consider our surroundings and ourselves.

And that's where this book comes in!

Get to Know Your Tarot Deck

The tarot deck consists of 78 cards, divided into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana illustrates The Fool’s Journey through life. The 22 cards that make up the Major Arcana symbolize important lessons we’ve learned and karmic forces that have shaped our lives.

Starting “The Fool’s Journey” through the Major Arcana of the tarot deck is a lot like going on a journey through all of human experience. The Fool, tarot card number zero, is at the center of this journey. It represents the pure, untainted potential that each of us has at the start of our lives. The figure stands on the edge of a world that no one knows about. This world is full of both the promise of adventure and the danger of the unknown. It represents the spirit of innocence and the endless wonder that drives us forward.

As The Fool moves forward, the Major Arcana tarot cards show a number of archetypal turning points and meetings. Each card is a chapter in the big story of life.

The Minor Arcana includes the tarot suits of Pentacles, Wands, Swords, and Cups, each numbered 1-10, as well as the court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King). The Minor Arcana represents day-to-day challenges and aspects of our lives.

Those challenges and aspects are explored in these meditations. But in addition to using the meditations in this book for daily spiritual practice, you have a couple of opportunities to go deeper, if it feels right to you.

Meditation Journaling

Consider incorporating tarot card meditation into your routine. This technique involves selecting a tarot card, reflecting on its meanings, and using it to connect more deeply with a particular topic.

After the meditation, take note of your insights and experiences related to the chosen tarot card. Journal about the insight on your life that you gained.

Tarot Affirmations

Each tarot meditation leaves you with a few affirmations on the theme of the tarot card you drew. If one of them speaks to you, consider writing it down in your journal, speaking it aloud to yourself several times throughout the day, or posting it somewhere you can see it regularly over the next week.

Enhancing Your Divination Practice

The traditional tarot reading consists of a querent asking questions and a reader interpreting the results. The symbolic meanings and tarot card layout reveal the querent’s life story, their possible future directions, and the emotional and spiritual currents at work in their current situation.

If you practice tarot divination, meditations are an opportunity for you to dive deeply into your relationship with and interpretation of a specific card.

Start a new notebook or journal that is specifically for your tarot cards. After you meditate with a tarot card, spend some time journaling about it. Even though the big-picture meanings of each card tend to be similar to each tarot reader, the nuances can be very personal. What is the card revealing to you, yourself?

As you continue reading tarot, you will start to draw the cards with which you have deep understanding. You can use the nuances you have come to appreciate to enhance your interpretations and connect more deeply with the tarot card meanings.


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