The Imbolc Companion

We are so excited to introduce our new book, The Imbolc Companion!

On the Wheel of the Year, Imbolc is the cross-quarter holiday at the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It marks the first signs that spring is coming—the quickening of the earth. Associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid, Imbolc celebrates spring’s renewal after the long, dark winter. Imbolc is all about the rekindling of the light.

And it is the perfect holiday for reflection. The days are short, and the weather may be cold. We stay inside, looking back on the previous year’s lessons and planning what we will plant in the spring and harvest in the fall.

The Imbolc Companion features:

  • 3 meditations (plus, here's a bonus guided meditation for Imbolc)

  • 4 coloring pages

  • 12 journal prompts for inspiration

  • Imbolc ritual for rebirth of spring

  • how to create a Brigid's cross to invoke protection from the goddess Brigid

  • 5 spells for blessing candles, creating a vision board, letting go, setting intentions, and decluttering

  • information on Imbolc and the triple goddess Brigid to guide you through this season of reflection and planning

Its pages are for you to write, color, and make notes on. May it bring you insight, inspiration, and joy. Best wishes as you celebrate Imbolc this year!

Where to Get Your Copy of The Imbolc Companion

Download your copy of The Imbolc Companion from our Etsy store. Or get your paperback copy from Amazon.

Excerpt from The Imbolc Companion: Intention Setting Spell Jar

So you’ve spent many lovely Imbolc hours reflecting and dreaming about the future. And you’ve let go of what no longer serves you to make space for new growth. Now it’s time to set your intentions! This can be a really helpful step to move from dreaming to planning. You’ll need to decide on your intention ahead of time—perhaps referring to your vision board or reflecting on the dreams and goals you set while journaling or reflecting. The following spell jar ingredients have been chosen as a base, so consider personalizing them by adding small crystals, natural elements, herbs, or whatever else represents your goal to you.

You will need:

  • White candle

  • Stick of incense

  • Small jar with a lid (and a label if necessary)

  • Piece of paper and pen

  • Small piece(s) of rose quartz for love and harmony

  • Stick or ground cinnamon for protection and love

  • Bay leaf for healing, protection, and wishes

  • Fresh or dried lavender for happiness

  • Sunflower seeds for growth

  • Black or white salt for protection and purification

Use your preferred method for preparing for spellwork. Or: Take a few deep breaths and center yourself. When your energy is calm, continue to concentrate on your breathing, feeling your power rise. Light a white candle. Light a stick of incense of your choice and slowly draw a circle around yourself and your working space.

Spend a few minutes reflecting on your intention. When it is firmly in your heart and mind, write it on a small piece of paper. Speak it aloud. Then carefully roll the paper and put it in the open jar.

Working with intention, place each of your chosen items into the jar, arranging them carefully. Ask each item for its help. When everything is in the jar, put the lid on it. Speak your intention aloud again and seal the jar with a kiss.

When you are ready, thank the universe for assisting you. Spin slowly in the opposite direction of the incense and blow out the candle. Leave your spell jar somewhere you can see it regularly.

Excerpt from The Imbolc Companion: Decluttering Spell

Imbolc is a time of cleansing and decluttering, so let’s get to work! If this is a challenging process for you, start with a small space, like a drawer, or a shorter time. Even five minutes will help.

You will need:

  • Space to be decluttered

  • White candle

  • Stick of incense

  • Mug of peppermint tea for action, balance, and clarity, or another drink you prefer

  • A box for trash, a box for donations, and a box to take to other places in your home

  • Music you find soothing

Arrange your candle, incense, tea, and boxes near where you will be working. The goal is to stay and be present in this place and in this moment, so consider the boxes as three “out” boxes to be distributed later. Turn on your music.

Use your preferred method for preparing for spellwork. Or: Take a few deep breaths and center yourself. When your energy is calm, continue to concentrate on your breathing, feeling your power rise. Light a white candle. Light a stick of incense of your choice and slowly draw a circle around yourself and your working space.

Continuing to breathe intentionally, fill the circle with love for yourself. Gently push any judgment you may have for yourself out of the circle; we do not need it. Give yourself a hug. Take a sip of tea and let its soothing energy wash over you.

Think about the purpose of the space in front of you. How will it support you? If it were completely empty, what would you want to fill it with? Decide on and set your intention for the space. Imagine it cleansed by a sweep of Brigid’s hand.

Now, pick up an object and consider it. Do you love it or need it? If so, where will its home be? If not, thank it for what it’s done for you. If someone gave it to you, close your eyes and send that person your love and gratitude. Then put it in one of your out boxes.

Repeat the process with the remaining objects for as long as you can stay in the moment intentionally. Enjoy your tea and music as you go. Pay attention to your mind and body, and when they tell you to stop, save the rest for another day.

When you are ready to stop, thank the universe for assisting you. Spin slowly in the opposite direction of the incense and blow out the candle. Put the trash box directly into the trash. Distribute the contents of the home box to the rooms they need to go to, and take your donation box to its destination(s) right away.

More About Imbolc

Want to explore more about Imbolc? It might be our favorite of the seasonal celebrations around here; we love the new life and new beginnings energy as the earth begins to thaw. And honestly, we start a lot of new projects, which makes the spirit of Brigid's day pretty much our whole vibe. Here are some places to start:

About Imbolc

About Imbolc: The cross-quarter holiday between the winter solstice and the spring equinox (February 1 in the northern hemisphere; August 1 in the southern hemisphere), Imbolc honors the goddess Brigid, the return of the sun, and the rebirth of spring.

Imbolc Journal Prompts

Imbolc Journal Prompts: Celebrate Imbolc by using these journal prompts for inspiration and reflection.

Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid

Brigid and Imbolc: The Celtic goddess Brigid (Saint Brigid, patron saint of Ireland, in the later Catholic church traditions) is the triple goddess of smiths, poets, and healers.

How to Celebrate Imbolc

How to Celebrate Imbolc: Ideas for your magic Imbolc celebration, including ways so connect with your community over Brigid crosses.

Imbolc Associations

Imbolc Associations: Imbolc crystals, herbs, elements, and symbols.

Imbolc Meditation

Imbolc Meditation: Celebrate Imbolc with a guided meditation similar to those in The Imbolc Companion.


Journal Prompts for Yule