design your intentional life.
It’s all about balance. Whether you’re mindfully experiencing the seasons, caring for your home, organizing your finances in a thoughtful way, planning your next goal, cultivating a gratitude practice, or taking a moment to examine your life via journaling, we are here to help. You can balance your progress with ease, intention, and joy.

How (and Why) to Keep a Work Journal
Keeping a running list of successes. You can use it to build your argument for a raise or promotion, add specifics to your resume, and even just remind yourself how great you are when you’re feeling stressed out.

How to Keep a Journal
Depending on what you journal about, it can be an opportunity to focus on your goals and progress. Write about why you want to achieve the goals you’ve set and brainstorm ways to achieve them. Track their progress along the way.

25 Money Mindset Journal Prompts
Looking back, what do you wish you had learned about money as a child?
What is the most valuable piece of financial advice that you have ever received?
What was your first paying job? Write about it.

Gratitude Journal Prompts
What is your favorite small daily ritual? Write about why you enjoy it.
What community organization (e.g., library, club, or church) are you grateful for? Why?
What career advice are you most grateful to have been given? How has it helped you?

52 Self-Care Journal Prompts
What does loving yourself look for on a daily basis, in your daily rituals?
How do you show others that you value yourself?
Do you feel any guilt over the idea of taking care of yourself or “selfishness”? If so, why? What do the terms self-care and selfishness mean to you?

Set a creative goal for this season. What appeals to you about it?
Describe one of your dreams for the future. Imagine it as wonderful and fulfilling as it could possibly be.
Winter is the best time for cozy fabrics. What is your favorite thing to wear or curl up in?
Who are your favorite people to celebrate with?

30 Spring Journal Prompts
Set a goal to accomplish this spring. Write about why you want it and how you will do it.
Describe the first time you saw something that still impresses you.
How does starting a project make you feel? Describe your typical starting process.

30 Summer Journal Prompts
Describe a time you made an exciting discovery. What did you find, and how did it feel?
How are you planning for the future, putting some of your harvest aside?
What goals do you have for this summer? How will you accomplish them before the leaves turn?

30 Fall Journal prompts
As we harvest our actual vegetables and grains, take a moment to think about the things you are harvesting metaphorically, from past work you have done. What work are you reaping the benefits of?
What is your favorite fall food and why?
Winter is coming, so it’s time for a fall to-do list. What can you do before December 21 to shore up your home and/or protect your family? (This can be literal, but it can also be metaphorical—so canning food counts, but so does decluttering.)

Introduction to Imbolc
Imbolc is a turning point, a reminder that we always have the chance for a restart and renewal. It’s an opportunity to give our routines new life, to make new plans, and to find new inspiration. Let’s light candles to celebrate the return of the light, celebrating the return of the sun and the spark of fire and creativity in our lives.

Journal Prompts for Imbolc
Set a goal for your physical space, whether it’s a small new habit or a large project. What is it, and how will you achieve it?
What goals do you have for the next year? How do your goals demonstrate your values?
What are you planting this year, in terms of your personal development? What are your plans for growth?
How are you transforming during this season of transformation?

Imbolc and the Goddess Brigid
Brigid is a powerful symbol of feminine creativity and empowerment. Invoked to inspire creativity and craftsmanship, she is the patroness of the arts, especially poetry and smith work. She promotes creativity and artistic expression. The peaceful times spent at your craft, when concentration and meditation meld, are when her effect is most noticeable.

How to Celebrate Imbolc
In some ways, Imbolc is the ultimate introvert’s holiday. We’re inside our home with a cup of tea, away from the cold. It’s time to reflect on the past year and on our lives in general. We’re deciding on what to leave behind because it no longer serves us. We’re practicing divination, setting intentions and goals, and planning what we will plant, literally and metaphorically, in the coming spring. This is the journaling holiday! Let’s get started.

Imbolc Associations
Through the use of the many elements connected to this season—water, candles, herbs, and crystals—Imbolc celebrants embrace the cycle of rebirth and renewal and harmonize with the rhythms of the natural world.

Imbolc Meditation
Imbolc invites us to embrace the spirit of renewal and purification, both externally and internally. Imagine yourself standing at the threshold between the old and the new, ready to release what no longer serves you and welcome in fresh energy and vitality.

Tarot Meditations
Let your tarot cards help guide your spiritual journey. Simply shuffle and draw a card. Then turn to the corresponding guided meditation in this book. Meditate to set intentions, reflect, find self-awareness, and discover your path and yourself.

The Hedge Witch’s Hearth
A hedge witch’s home supports them spiritually and in life. And you can have a magical household of your own! If you care for it and fill it with the right intentions, it will care for you back. For example:
Your bedroom will be the calm respite you need from the world.
Your dining room will fill your friends with the warmth of your hospitality.
Your bathroom will be truly cleansing.
And your home office will be an energetic source of abundance and creativity
In this book, hear the stories of hearth goddesses from Hestia to Brigid. Learn about crystals that match the energies you’re looking for. Journal to set your intentions for each room of your house. Cast a protection salts spell on your threshold, make a spell jar in the kitchen, bless your office for prosperity, and more!

52 Growth Mindset Journal Prompts
What is a growth mindset belief you have about yourself? How does it help you?
What are some things that you learned in the past month? What would you like to learn in the month that starts today?
What would you try if you knew you would not fail?

35 Pisces Journal Prompts
How do you value security in your life? How do you balance security and risk? This can be a struggle for Pisces.
What do you find funny? How would you describe your sense of humor?
Pisces is known for creativity! Write about a creative project of yours that you are particularly proud of.
Why do you do what you do, be it a job or a passion project?

35 Aries Journal Prompts
What are you passionate about? Why?
Aries can be ambitious. Write about a time that you were ambitious about something. Did you get what you set out for? What did you learn?
What is your strategy for working on a team? How do you balance teamwork with your natural Aries competitive side?